Clothing Brand to Watch for in 2024 - Punk Rave

Where Punk Rave Started:

Established in 2006, Punk Rave Ruier Clothing Co., Ltd. has become a leading brand in the Asian clothing market for punk and Gothic styles.

Punk Rave, which combines rebellious fashion with a hint of romantic classicism, has a deep history and was pioneered by the visionary designer Zhiyi Kin, commonly known as Joey.


Founder's Vision and Background:

Despite having financial difficulties as a child, Joey, a Chinese/Korean designer and graduate of Baewha Women's University, dreamed of having exquisite clothing as a child. In the 1990s, she came into contact with the punk scene after achieving her aim of starting a clothes boutique. Despite early disappointments, Joey's love of unconventional fashion helped to spark the emergence of Punk Rave in 2006.

punk rave creator

Brand Expansion and International Presence:

Punk Rave has transcended national boundaries, offering apparel for both genders. T-shirts, shirts, dresses, skirts, coats, slacks, sweaters, and leather accessories are among the wide range of products offered by the business. Punk Rave is still growing, with 23 regional agents and partners across the globe, including the US, Russia, France, the UK, and more.

Design Concept and Philosophy:

The core idea of Punk Rave's design philosophy is "No depressed, never slavish" punk sentiments. Joey creates apparel that embodies her own personality through her unique fusion of Gothic romantic classicism and contemporary flair. The company wants to connect with people who have a similar rebellious spirit and motivate them to act in certain ways.

Story and Evolution:

Joey's passion for distinctive styles set the stage for her eventual launch of Punk Rave in 2006. She recognised that punk and Gothic culture were becoming more and more popular among the younger generation when she returned to China in 2012 after a period spent overseas. This led to the creation of the homegrown fashion line known as "J&PUNK RAVE."

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Embrace Dark Fantasy.





Embracing Darkness:

Punk Rave, which embraced the gothic subculture's darker aesthetics and rebellious spirit, has come to be associated with edgy and romantic designs. The brand's Gothic-inspired clothing, which ranges from elaborately designed gowns to bold leather accessories, is proof of Joey's dedication to giving nonconformity and self-expression a platform.

Punk Rave's works, which fuse Gothic romantic classicism with modern flair, not only showcase a distinct style, but also add to the growing story of Gothic fashion.


Punk Rave is evidence of Joey's tenacity and dedication to her idea. From modest origins to widespread recognition, the brand never stops inspiring and bringing people together who share PUNK RAVE's distinct and rebellious spirit. As the brand develops, it extends an invitation to like-minded people to collaborate in building a more comprehensive Punk Rave culture that uses fashion to celebrate uniqueness and rebellion.


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