The Best Dark Fantasy Podcasts of 2024

The Best Dark Fantasy Podcasts of 2024

Lorehammer - Listener Lore 11

For fans looking for a break from the everyday, the appeal of medieval fantasy shines brightly in the wide world of podcasting, where voices tell stories and take listeners to far-off places. You're in for a treat if you can't get enough of the suspenseful atmosphere of dark fantasy, the clashing of swords, and the mystery of magic. Take a journey with us through the intriguing narratives and vividly rendered historical settings found in the greatest podcasts about medieval fantasy.

The History Behind Medieval Fantasy Podcasts

Let's take a moment to recognise the rich history of the medieval fantasy genre before we dive into the captivating world of podcasts. Medieval fantasy podcasts, which feature knights, legendary creatures, and quests that reverberate through time, frequently draw inspiration from the folklore, mythology, and epic tales of the past.

With podcasts becoming more and more popular, content producers have taken advantage of the chance to create immersive audio experiences that perfectly embody the spirit of medieval fantasy. These podcasts promise to take you on a time travel, regardless of your level of experience with fantasy literature.

dark fantasy podcast


The podcast Lorehammer focuses on the Warhammer 40k setting's lore. Every episode we discuss a particular facet of the cosmos, exchanging existing knowledge before Mark and Erik lead a discussion.

This show weaves together tales of horror and heroism as it delves into the complexities of medieval lore with a dark fantasy twist. In the shadow of medieval fantasy, hosted by seasoned storytellers and genre specialists, Lorehammer explores lost myths and unanswered mysteries.

Audiences can anticipate captivating storylines, intricate world-building, and an unsettling atmosphere that keeps them on the edge of their seats. With Lorehammer, plunge into the chasm and allow the ominous fantasy to envelop you.

Top Review

“Love listening to these guys the banter is great and while they don’t always get everything right they are very entertaining.”


- Hoylandal


The Once and Future Nerd

A delightful blend of humour and high stakes adventure, The Once and Future Nerd is perfect for those looking for a lighter touch to their medieval fantasy experience. This podcast blends modern humour with fantasy elements, taking place in a fictitious world where three high school students are transported to a medieval realm.

Two fantasy lovers, Christian Kelley-Madera and Zach Glass, actually met in the Cornell University marching band. They started writing together as a means of communication after moving to different cities to pursue careers in bioengineering and post-production for TV and films, respectively. Sincerely, it's unlikely that you are unfamiliar with these two.

Listeners are introduced to a wide range of characters in The Once and Future Nerd, all of whom must make their way through a world full of magic, political intrigue, and the age-old conflict between good and evil. It's a novel approach to medieval fantasy, demonstrating that the genre can be equally epic and enjoyable.

Top Review

“I’m blown away by how good it is. The villains are amazing, one being super relatable and another being a utterly hateable sociopath.”


- u/grifff17


Hardcore History: Wrath of the Khans

The "Wrath of the Khans" series from Hardcore History is a compelling examination of historical events that evoke the majesty and cruelty of medieval times, even though it isn't solely a medieval fantasy podcast. This podcast series, which explores the rise and fall of the Mongol Empire, is hosted by Dan Carlin and immerses listeners in a world of conquests, conflicts, and cultural clashes.

"Wrath of the Khans" is proof positive that fact can be just as interesting as fiction. This series delves deeply into a historical era that evokes the atmosphere of a grand medieval fantasy tale, thanks to Carlin's engrossing narration and painstaking research.

Top Review

“Amazing stuff! Currently making CD’s for my employer and supervisor who are both Genghis Khan fans. Keep up the great work Dan it’s provided me with countless hours of learning and audio pleasure.”


- John


The White Vault

With The White Vault, explore the icy depths of terror in a medieval setting. This podcast on dark fantasy transports listeners to a remote outpost of Svalbard where a repair team is sent on a terrifying and mysterious mission. Beyond their most terrifying fantasies, they uncover a story that combines chilling horror and elements of medieval fantasy.

The creative team behind Fool and Scholar Productions consists of writer K. A. Statz and producer Travis Vengroff. They collaborate to produce audio fiction in a variety of genres, including science fiction and horror. Since 2015, they have produced audio drama podcasts and audio entertainment.

In 2015, Kaitlin Statz started penning scripts for audio dramas while pursuing her master's degree at the University of Oxford. The other half of Fool & Scholar Productions, Travis Vengroff, is an award-winning sound designer, editor, and producer of The White Vault podcast.

You'll be left wondering where reality ends and fantasy begins thanks to The White Vault's distinct storytelling and evocative sound design, which combine to create an unnerving experience. Get ready for a terrifying journey into the unknown.

Top Review

“Absolutely spookifying is the best absolute way. I was hooked on the amazing soundscape, the top notch voice acting and the real feeling of dread and danger!”


- Grasshound


For Those Who Create Their Own Dark Fantasy

With its chilling, engrossing stories and spine-tingling imagery, dark fantasy has won over readers everywhere. This genre is very popular in graphic novels and other visual storytelling mediums in addition to literature. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating world of dark fantasy and show off how calligraphy, especially with the GC QUILL Luxury Dip Pen Set, beautifully captures the essence of the genre.

Read my blog post about these amazing quills you can buy to immersive yourself in your dark fantasy writings!


My Own Dark Fantasy Realm

Hi there, fellow fans of dark fantasy! Thanks to your unflinching support, our blog—which is packed with tales and inspirations of dark fantasy—is making waves on TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube. Even more thrilling is the fact that we're creating a captivating Trading Card Game to further engross you in Twilight Citadel's eerie mysteries. Explore the depths of the shadows with our website, where you can get eerie yet lovely phone wallpapers and posters. Furthermore, we've got you covered with free resources like desktop wallpapers and profile pictures to make sure your gadgets are brimming with eerie fantasy atmosphere. Come along with us on this surreal adventure, where fears come true and shadows dance. Are you prepared to welcome the gloom?


My Final Thoughts

It's clear from the end of our exploration of the greatest podcasts about medieval fantasy that the genre never fails to enthral listeners with its timeless appeal. There is a podcast waiting to take you to a world of knights, magic, and mythical realms, whether you prefer the darkness of Lorehammer, the comedic twists of The Once and Future Nerd, the historical grandeur of Hardcore History, or the spine-tingling horror of The White Vault.

Explore these podcasts to start your own journey and allow the medieval fantasy to come to life in your ears. The places of magic, mystery, and darkness are waiting for you; may your voyage be as magnificent as the stories that shaped it.


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